Quick Reference: Career Related Learning
Items bolded and italicized are drawn from the Illinois Community College Board Exhibit List.
What documentation can be used to indicate compliance with this standard?
- Copies of any cooperative education training plans and agreements and other written agreements with outside businesses or other agencies (i.e., cosmetology contract, aviation contract, etc)
- Cooperative work experiences, work-study, apprenticeship, and/or other career-related learning, placement policies, and criteria for placement
- Enrollment and assignment data, including hours of work, of students presently in cooperative work experiences, work-study, and/or other career-related learning
- List of programs and activities concerning cooperative work experiences, work-study, apprenticeship, and/or other career-related learning
- Career-related learning materials available in alternate learning formats
Supplemental Information
What essential elements do assurances need to contain?
- An indication that the employer does not discriminate with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age
- An indication that the employer understands that the community college does not enter into any agreements with businesses that discriminate with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age
How can counselors have an expanded knowledge of career opportunities?
In order to avoid "steering" minorities, women, and students with disabilities toward more restrictive career objectives, counselors should obtain updated information about the dynamics of the labor force. Community college districts have established programs to ensure that counselors are apprised of the most recent occupational outlook data, including employer-led workshops on emerging opportunities in a specific field. The sessions also allow counselors to gain a first-hand understanding of developments and occupational forecasts in specific industries and organizations. In turn, counselors can disseminate this information to students so they can consider a broader range of options.
Source: US Department of Education. Office for Civil Rights. (1991). The guidance counselor's role in ensuring equal educational opportunity. Available at:
How can counselors cooperate with business?
There are other ways to involve the resources of the business community. Some colleges arrange for minorities, women, and persons with disabilities as role models from occupations in which these groups traditionally have been underrepresented (e.g., female physician or male nurse). The role models provide assistance for career days, exploratory experiences, and as advisers to students.
In addition, some businesses sponsor job shadowing and summer internship programs that combine community college credit with employment. These programs also encourage students' further educational attainment by linking academic preparation with job requirements. Some counselors arrange for representatives of the business community to conduct group sessions on preparing resumes and job interview skills. While these programs are normally open to all students, counselors can take special measures to ensure the participation of special populations groups.
Source: US Department of Education. Office for Civil Rights. (1991). The guidance counselor's role in ensuring equal educational opportunity. Author. Available at
What are the apprenticeship program standards?
The following are some of the characteristics of the basic standards under Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 29.5:
- Full and fair opportunity to apply for apprenticeship programs
- A schedule of work processes in which an apprentice is to receive training and experience on the job
- Organized instruction designed to provide apprentices with knowledge in technical subjects related to their trade (e.g., a minimum of 144 hours per year is normally considered necessary)
- A progressively increasing schedule of wages
- Proper supervision of on-the-job training with adequate facilities to train apprentices
- Periodic evaluation of apprentices' progress, both in job performances and related instruction with the maintenance of appropriate records
- Nondiscrimination in selection, employment, or training phases
Source: U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration. Available at https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/training/apprenticeship#doltopics
Required elements for apprenticeship agreements and Complaint regulations
e-CFR Document: CFR 29 Part 29
Equal Employment Opportunity In Apprenticeship and Training
e-CFR Document: CFR 29 Part 30
The Guidance Counselor's Role in Ensuring Equal Educational Opportunity
Psychology Career Guides