
What documentation can be used to indicate compliance with this standard?

  • Guidance plan, policy, and procedure
  • Assessment plan with a list of tests administered
  • Written procedures for evaluation and placement of students with disabilities
  • Promotional and recruitment materials
  • Enrollment demographics
  • Recruitment and admission policies
  • Policy regarding services for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students
  • Calendar of counseling and pre-vocational activities
  • Admission criteria
  • Enrollment forms
  • Enrollment demographics by class/program
  • Examples of pre-enrollment counseling
  • Examples of revised counseling materials or activities in response to disproportionate enrollments
  • Interest and ability assessments

Supplemental Information

What elements could be included in a non-discriminatory counseling program?

  • Inform students and parents of their protections under the civil rights laws.
  • Analyze course enrollment data to identify disproportionate enrollment of minorities, women, and students with a disability.
  • Identify discriminatory practices in existing guidance/counseling program policies and procedures.
  • Establish goals, objectives, and action steps in community college district guidance plans in response to identified career needs of minorities, women, and students with a disability.
  • Implement an ongoing career guidance program to meet students' needs.
  • Ensure effective communication with LEP students and students with disabilities.
  • Provide support through counseling and consultation with teachers, peers, parents, and students.
  • Assist students in such activities as resume writing, job interviewing, decision making, financial aid applications, educational/career planning, and workplace acculturation.
  • Review guidance materials for stereotypes.
  • Identify female role models as well as role models from minorities and from persons with disabilities where they are traditionally underrepresented.
  • Coordinate counseling activities with other community colleges and community resources and agencies serving special population groups.
  • Support the establishment of an equity advisory council to obtain assistance in implementing non-discriminatory counseling services.

Source: US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. (1991). The guidance counselor's role in ensuring equal educational opportunity. Author. Available at

What are the essential elements of sex equity in materials?

Sex Equity in Curriculum Materials (pdf)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (1993). Wisconsin model for sex equity in career and vocational education. Madison: Author.

Identifying Bias in Materials: NTO Look Self-Study (pdf)
Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support. (2004). The NTO Look self-study. Normal, Illinois: Illinois State University

Are the counseling practices of the community college meeting the needs of students with disabilities?

Effective Counseling Information (pdf)
American Vocational Association. (1993). The educator’s guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Alexandria, VA: Author.


The Guidance Counselor's Role in Ensuring Equal Educational Opportunity

American Counselor’s Association Code of Ethics